
Download videos from YouTuve with python

Download videos from YouTuve with python

Just Python Code

I wanted to download videos from youtube in a fast way and I didn't feel very confident using the websites.

  • Import the necessary libraries - pip install tkinter customtkinter pytube
  • Configures the GUI appearance and creates an application window with a specific size and a title.
  • Creates several widgets in the GUI, including a title, an input field for the YouTube video URL, a progress bar and percentage to show the download progress, and a button to start the download.
  • Define una progress_function que se llama cada vez que se descarga un fragmento de vídeo. Esta función actualiza la barra de progreso y el porcentaje en la GUI.
  • Defines a download_video function that is called when the download button is pressed. This function creates a YouTube object with the provided URL, downloads the video at the highest available resolution, and updates the GUI to display the video title and a success or failure message.
  • Create a label widget to display a message when download is completed.
  • Starts the main application loop, which keeps the GUI open and responds to user events (such as pressing the download button).
Download videos from YouTuve with python